
This page shows some of the challenges I've done to show my skills and passion towards front end development and to prove to myself first and to others that I am constantly working very hard to be a successful front end developer.

I have participated in the one million Arab coders initiative and I have been selected from the top 0.01%. I won a scholarship to complete a front-end developer nanodegree. Some of it's challenges are posted below.

Currently, I am seeking a full time job as Junior front end developer so I can convert my hobby into a successful career which will improve my skills and enhance my performance.

main image
NLP project

Capstone - Travel App

Using many APIs to get the weather on specific date and city

HTML5 CSS3 js Node.js Express.js Webpack

Purpose of challenge: Using Node.js, Express and Webpack in a complex project

Responsive: Yes

Check project
NLP project

Natural Language Processing

Building a news article evaluation site using Express.js and webpack

HTML5 CSS3 js Node.js Express.js Webpack

Purpose of challenge: Learning and using Webpack

Responsive: Not yet

Check project
Project 1

The Lighting BLOG

A challenge to build a responsive blog using HTML5 & CSS3


Purpose of challenge: Responsive blog using HTML and CSS

Responsive: Yes

Check project
Project 1

Landing Page

A challenge to build a dynamic landing page


Purpose of challenge: Add nav section automatically and scroll to the section when clicked

Responsive: Yes

Check project
Project 1

Weather Journal App

A challenge to build a weather app using Api

HTML5 CSS3 js Node.js Express.js

Purpose of challenge: Using Node.js with express to fetch API from weather website and update the UI with current weather

Responsive: Not Yet

Check project
Project 1

FAQ accordion card

A challenge to build an accordion card that get expanded when clicked


Purpose of challenge: Using JavaScript to build a FAQ accordion card that can be expanded when clicked

Responsive: Not Yet

Check project
Project 1

Pod request

A challenge to build an email input with verification


Purpose of challenge: Using JavaScript to check if entered email is written in the right format or not

Responsive: Not Yet

Check project
Personal photo

Hello! I am Mohammad, a 32 years old Jordanian engineer and I currently have a full time job as lighting designer.

I found my passion in front end development and I am spending hours each day learning and practicing to reach to the point where I can finally find a full time job as a front end developer.

This is where I see my self in the future and this is what I want to spend my life doing.


